About us

Who is Capps Pressure Washing, LLC?

Capps Pressure Washing, LLC lives by making the customers happy and satisfied and not getting rich quick.

Capps Pressure Washing, L LC is a very small and upcoming business that serves Fuquay and all surrounding areas such as Lillington, Angier, Coats, Sanford, Bunnlevel, Willow Springs, Holly Springs, Apex, Garner, Raleigh and more!  We gained our experience in power washing working for a power washing company for many years who worked with big housing contractors.  Capps Pressure Washing, LLC uses a blend of a special soap, bleach and water to make your homes and businesses look amazing!  We provide Rapid Resposnses, Quick (Free) Quotes, Speedy Scheduling and Amazingly Affordable Prices!

Capps Pressure Washing, LLC Team

Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
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